This exercise will get ansible up and running, to the point where it is able to run commands on all the remote systems you are managing.
Login to
Make sure you connect to this as your normal ("vmX-gY") user. You will use "sudo" where specific commands need to be run as root. It is good practice to do this.
Upload SSH key
vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~$ ssh-copy-id
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/home/vmX-gY/.ssh/"
The authenticity of host ' (100.68.Y.21)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:joFwxYalAr4kaS5RbHi1m8tqd0LlmVocWYeBJvpnb2I.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys's password:
Number of key(s) added: 1
Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh ''"
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.
Check if we can login without using password
vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~$ ssh
vmX-gY@ansible-gY$ cd
vmX-gY@ansible-gY$ mkdir ansible-playbook
vmX-gY@ansible-gY$ cd ansible-playbook
vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ python3 -m venv venv
vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ pip install --upgrade pip
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ pip install ansible
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ echo "venv" > .gitignore
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ git init
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ git add .
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ git commit -am "Initial Commit"
From now on everything we do anythig related to ansible we will track that using git
as repository typeSSH
buttonNow, follow the second set of instructions, “Push an existing repository from the command line”
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ git remote add origin
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ git push -u origin master
Cerate ansible config file "ansible.cfg"
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ vi ansible.cfg
Add following content in "ansible.cfg"
inventory = inventory
retry_files_save_path = ./retry/
host_key_checking = False
local_tmp = ./tmp/
Save and exit for vi editor
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ git add .
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ git commit -am "add ansible.cfg"
Now you need to list all your other hosts in the inventory: that is, the machines you are going to manage using ansible.
You need to edit the file ~/ansible-playbook/inventory/hosts, for example:
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ mkdir inventory
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ vi inventory/hosts
Add the full hostnames of the other hosts you have, not including the master host where you are running ansible. ansible_ssh_user=lab
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ git add .
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ git commit -am "add inventory/host"
Probably the hardest part of working with ansible is getting it to connect to your hosts. After that it's plain sailing
There is a module called "ping" which you can use to test the connections. It does nothing but respond with a "pong".
So now try the following command:
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ ansible all -m ping
What this means is:
If you see output similar to following your host is ready to manage using ansible. | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
Very likely you are going to see an error like this: | UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Warning: Permanently added ',100.68.Y.21' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\ Permission denied (publickey,password).",
"unreachable": true
or | FAILED => SSH encountered an unknown error during the
connection. We recommend you re-run the command using -vvvv, which will
enable SSH debugging output to help diagnose the issue
So let's do as it suggests, and see if that gives some more information. To make the output easier to read, you can tell ansible to connect to only a single host instead of "all".
ansible -m ping -vvvv
Do you see an error like this?
debug1: No more authentication methods to try.
Permission denied (publickey,password).
Then it means that it tried to use public key authentication, but failed.
Are you able to use ssh directly at the command line to login to the other host?
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ ssh
If not, then you need to debug this problem.
The "shell" module gives you a simple way to run commands on a remote host or hosts. Try it:
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ ansible all -m shell -a 'ls /'
Did it connect to all hosts? Did it give a directory listing from each host?
Don't move on until the "ping" and "shell" modules are working. Ask for help from an instructor if you need it.
The commands you have tried so far don't need to run with root privileges on the target system, but most system adminstration commands do.
Try the following command, which shows the content of a protected file containing password hashes:
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ ansible all -m shell -a 'cat /etc/shadow'
You should get responses like this (in red, if your terminal supports it): | FAILED | rc=1 >>
cat: /etc/shadow: Permission denied non-zero return code
So really, we want to run this command as the "root" user. Try it:
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ ansible all -m shell -a 'cat /etc/shadow' -u root
Did it work? If so, great! You can skip to the next section.
If not: there is a workaround, because you can get ansible to use "sudo" on the remote system to get root. Try this:
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ ansible all -m shell -a 'cat /etc/shadow' -bK
Be careful of letter case in the flags: small "b" means use sudo, large "K" means prompt for the password which sudo requires.
Did that work? If not, again ask for help.
It's still a bit inconvenient to have to type sudo password every time we connect, so let's make ansible remember that.
Here's one way to do it. Edit the inventory file (remember it's ~/ansible-playbook/inventory/hosts) and add a setting to every host like this:
vmX-gY ansible_ssh_user=lab ansible_become_pass=npNOG5nmm
Now see that you can run commands as root without the sudo password prompt:
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ ansible all -m shell -a 'cat /etc/shadow' -b
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ git add .
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ git commit -am "updated inventory/host"
It's important to be able to locate the ansible documentation. You can find it at;
Find your way to the Module Index and look for documentation for the "file" and "copy" modules which you have already used.
You have now completed this exercise!
THIS SECTION IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY - you don't need to do the following.
If you need upgrade or install newer version of ansilbe, do as follows:
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ pip install --upgrade ansible
It is possible to use ansible without ssh keys. This may be useful if you are unable to use keys in your environment for some reason.
You need the -k flag to prompt for the password, and to install the sshpass helper program.
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ ansible all -m ping -k
SSH password: <type the password here> | FAILED! => {
"msg": "to use the 'ssh' connection type with passwords, you must install the sshpass program"
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ sudo apt-get install sshpass
(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-gY:~/ansible-playbook$ ansible all -m ping -k
SSH password: <type the password here> | SUCCESS => {
"ansible_facts": {
"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
"changed": false,
"ping": "pong"
You can also combine the sudo flags (so you get -bkK), and give -u <username>
to give the username to login as, if this is not the same as the local user name.
However this is inconvenient because every time you run ansible you need to provide the flags and the passwords. It is much better to set up SSH key authentication with agent forwarding, so that your user is able to login directly as "root" on the target systems.