Network Management & Monitoring - Smokeping




Exercise - Part I

In this exercise you will install Smokeping and get it to monitor various devices in the class network.

Log in to your shared workstation virtual machine as "vmXgY" user. (Replace X with vm no and Y with group no)

Now we create new ansible-playbook file named smokeping.yml

(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ vi smokeping.yml
- hosts: smokeping_hosts become: true tasks: - name: ensure package cache is up to date apt: update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600 tags: install - name: install smokeping and dependencies package: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - smokeping - fping tags: install - name: set fping setuid file: path: /usr/bin/fping owner: root group: root mode: 04755 tags: install - name: enable apache cgi apache2_module: name: cgi state: present tags: install notify: restart apache handlers: - name: restart apache service: name: apache2 state: restarted

update inventory/hosts as following

(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ vi inventory/hosts
[nagios_hosts] [snmp_hosts] [smokeping_hosts]

Now run ansible playbook to install Smokeping

(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ ansible-playbook smokeping.yml PLAY [smokeping_hosts] **************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************************************************** ok: [] TASK [ensure package cache is up to date] ********************************************************************* [WARNING]: Could not find aptitude. Using apt-get instead changed: [] TASK [install smokeping and dependencies] ********************************************************************* changed: [] => (item=smokeping) ok: [] => (item=fping) TASK [set fping setuid] *************************************************************************************** changed: [] TASK [enable apache cgi] ************************************************************************************** ok: [] PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************** : ok=5 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

Then point your web browser at

Now login to your VM and take note of smokeping config files so that we can update our ansible playbook to configure smokeping and monitor hosts.

root@vmX-gY:~# cd /etc/smokeping/config.d/ root@vmX-gY:/etc/smokeping/config.d# ls -al total 40 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 6 07:02 . drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Nov 6 07:02 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 177 Nov 28 2017 Alerts -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 237 Nov 28 2017 Database -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 489 Nov 28 2017 General -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 876 Nov 28 2017 Presentation -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 50 Nov 28 2017 Probes -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 147 Nov 28 2017 Slaves -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 380 Nov 28 2017 Targets -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 259 Nov 28 2017 pathnames root@vmX-gY:/etc/smokeping/config.d#

The files that you'll need to change, at a minimum, are:

Now create template file for General as

(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ mkdir -p templates/smokeping (venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ mkdir -p files/smokeping (venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ vi files/smokeping/General

Put the following contents in the file:

*** General *** owner = NOC contact = lab@localhost mailhost = localhost cgiurl = http://localhost/smokeping/smokeping.cgi # specify this to get syslog logging syslogfacility = local5 # each probe is now run in its own process # disable this to revert to the old behaviour # concurrentprobes = no @include /etc/smokeping/config.d/pathnames

Then, create template file for Alerts

(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ vi files/smokeping/Alerts

Put the following contents in the file:

*** Alerts *** to = lab@localhost from = smokeping-alert@localhost +someloss type = loss # in percent pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0% comment = loss 3 times in a row

Update ansible playbook named smokeping.yml to make changes to our smokeping configuration

(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ vi smokeping.yml
- hosts: smokeping_hosts become: true tasks: - name: ensure package cache is up to date apt: update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600 tags: install - name: install smokeping and dependencies package: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - smokeping - fping tags: install - name: set fping setuid file: path: /usr/bin/fping owner: root group: root mode: 04755 tags: install - name: enable apache cgi apache2_module: name: cgi state: present tags: install notify: restart apache - name: Smokeping General config copy: src: files/smokeping/{{ item }} dest: /etc/smokeping/config.d backup: yes with_items: - General - Alerts tags: base_config notify: restart smokeping handlers: - name: restart apache service: name: apache2 state: restarted - name: restart smokeping service: name: smokeping state: restarted

Now run ansible playbook to update Smokeping congiguration

(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ ansible-playbook smokeping.yml -t base_config PLAY [smokeping_hosts] **************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************************************************** ok: [] TASK [Smokeping General config] ******************************************************************************* changed: [] => (item=General) changed: [] => (item=Alerts) RUNNING HANDLER [restart smokeping] *************************************************************************** changed: [] PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

Configure monitoring of devices

The majority of your time and work configuring Smokeping will be done in the file /etc/smokeping/config.d/Targets.

For this class please do the following:

Use the default FPing probe to check:

You can use the classroom Network Diagram on the classroom wiki to figure out addresses for each item, etc.

Create some hierarchy to the Smokeping menu for your checks.

For this we will create new template file named Targets inside templates/smokeping/ as

(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ vi templates/smokeping/Targets

Put the following contents in the file:

*** Targets *** probe = FPing menu = Top title = Network Latency Grapher remark = Smokeping Latency Grapher for Network Monitoring \ and Management Workshop. +Local menu = Local title = Local Network ++LocalMachine menu = Local Machine title = This host host = localhost # # ********* Classroom Servers ********** # +NOCServers menu = NOCServers title = Network Management Servers ++noc menu = noc title = Workshop NOC host = # # ******** Group {{class_group}} Hosts *********** # +Group{{class_group}} menu = Group {{class_group}} Hosts title = Hosts in Group {{class_group}} ++srv1 menu = srv1 title = Group {{class_group}} Shared Server 1 host = srv1-g{{class_group}} {% for host in range(1,4) %} ++vm{{host}} menu = vm{{host}} title = Group {{class_group}} Server 1 host = vm1-g{{class_group}} {% endfor %}

Update ansible playbook named smokeping.yml to make changes to our smokeping

(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ vi smokeping.yml
- hosts: smokeping_hosts become: true tasks: - name: ensure package cache is up to date apt: update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600 tags: install - name: install smokeping and dependencies package: name: "{{ item }}" state: present with_items: - smokeping - fping tags: install - name: set fping setuid file: path: /usr/bin/fping owner: root group: root mode: 04755 tags: install - name: enable apache cgi apache2_module: name: cgi state: present tags: install notify: restart apache - name: Smokeping General config copy: src: files/smokeping/{{ item }} dest: /etc/smokeping/config.d backup: yes with_items: - General - Alerts tags: base_config notify: restart smokeping - name: Smokeping Monitoring Target config template: src: templates/smokeping/{{ item }} dest: /etc/smokeping/config.d backup: yes with_items: - Targets tags: target_config notify: restart smokeping handlers: - name: restart apache service: name: apache2 state: restarted - name: restart smokeping service: name: smokeping state: restarted

Now run ansible playbook to update Smokeping congiguration

(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ ansible-playbook smokeping.yml -t target_config PLAY [smokeping_hosts] **************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************************************************** ok: [] TASK [Smokeping Monitoring Target config] ********************************************************************* changed: [] => (item=Targets) RUNNING HANDLER [restart smokeping] *************************************************************************** changed: [] PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

If you see error messages, then read them closely and try to correct the problem in the Targets file.

In addition, Smokeping is now sending log message to the file /var/log/syslog. Now login to your VM and You can view what Smokeping is saying by typing:

root@vmX-gY:~# tail -F /var/log/syslog

If you want to see all smokeping related messages in the file /var/log/syslog you can do this:

root@vmX-gY:~# grep smokeping /var/log/syslog

If there are no errors you can view the results of your changes by going to:

Configure monitoring of routers and switches

Once you have configured the hosts on your campus, then it's time to add the entries for the routers and switches in your workshop group network.

(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ vi templates/smokeping/Targets

Go to the bottom of the file and add in entries for your workshop group routers:

# #******** Group {{class_group}} Network Devices ******** # +Group{{class_group}}Network menu = Group {{class_group}} Network Devices title = Network Devices - Group {{class_group}} # # ********** Group {{class_group}} Border Router ********* # ++border menu = Border title = Border Router +++Group{{class_group}} menu = Group{{class_group}} title = Border Router Group {{class_group}} host = # # ********** Group {{class_group}} Core Router ********* # ++core menu = Core title = Core Router +++Group{{class_group}} menu = Group{{class_group}} title = Core Router Group {{class_group}} host = rtr1-g{{class_group}}

Now run ansible playbook to update Smokeping congiguration

(venv) vmX-gY@ansible-host:~/ansible-playbook$ ansible-playbook smokeping.yml -t target_config PLAY [smokeping_hosts] **************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************************************************** ok: [] TASK [Smokeping Monitoring Target config] ********************************************************************* changed: [] => (item=Targets) RUNNING HANDLER [restart smokeping] *************************************************************************** changed: [] PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0

If there are no errors you can view the results of your changes by going to: